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User data tools to analyze local trends quickly!
MarketStats is a statistical product offered by GPRMLS that consists of two highly beneficial tools: FastStats and InfoSparks.
InfoSparks is an easy-to-use interactive tool that allows you to create customized, shareable statistical reports. You can compare up to four different geographies at a time using a wide assortment of housing variables and periods of time. All created reports are branded to you in static or live charts that can be easily shared or embedded on websites and social media to keep you and your clients up to date with on-the-fly statistical reports!
FastStats provides monthly shareable statistical reports from interactive maps based on prevalent geographic areas. FastStats is easy to use, and each report includes a variety of metrics for a monthly overview of important market trends and statistics.
Click Here for a Recorded MarketStats Overview
Click Here for Nine Ways to Use MarketStats
MarketStats Customer Support
Need assistance? MarketStats Support is here to help!
Monday–Friday, 8am–8pm CT
Saturday–Sunday, 8am–5pm CT
Phone: 800-379-0057
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